Am I sure I have ADHD? How I remembered I was neurodivergent and learned Self-Compassion Again.

Am I sure I have ADHD? How I remembered I was neurodivergent and learned Self-Compassion Again.

That’s it. No more just maybe figuring it out when it comes to living with myself. I can’t. And it’s ok BECAUSE I know I’m neurodivergent. I have ADHD. I honestly, truly, pretended so good that I don’t in front of others that I forgot for a moment. Or 2 Years. Or I just wanted to forget so that it would be easier. But it made is so, so, so much harder. Mxiety has ADHD and that’s how it is.

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Letter to Myself 10 Years from Now. Mxiety 2031

Letter to Myself 10 Years from Now. Mxiety 2031

10 years from now it will be June 16, 2031 (HOLY SH) and I will be 40 years old (ALSO HOLY SH) which is silly a thing to write since you already know what date and year it is, I should just get to the all the good stuff and questions and reminders I have for you. I know you’re gonna cry too, so I hope you grabbed tissues.

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