Letter to Myself 10 Years from Now. Mxiety 2031

Letter to Myself 10 Years from Now. Mxiety 2031

10 years from now it will be June 16, 2031 (HOLY SH) and I will be 40 years old (ALSO HOLY SH) which is silly a thing to write since you already know what date and year it is, I should just get to the all the good stuff and questions and reminders I have for you. I know you’re gonna cry too, so I hope you grabbed tissues.

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A Morning With Mental Illness: An Open Letter

A Morning With Mental Illness: An Open Letter

Already, in order to wake up and have a chance at a productive, I need to think of every inch of my body. If I don’t do this my brain will run haywire and might suddenly decide I don’t have enough air to breathe. But hey, I could just smile, right.

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