Following Your Dreams Won't Fix Everything but Accepting Them Will

Following Your Dreams Won't Fix Everything but Accepting Them Will

The most difficult thing to commit to, believe it or not, is failure. It’s hard on you mentally—it pulls on you, convincing you that you should commit to giving up. It feels easy at first because it’s all you know, but eventually, the weight of knowing you could have tried harder is too much to bear.

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How Comparing Yourself To Others Is Worse Than Being Depressed

How Comparing Yourself To Others Is Worse Than Being Depressed

I think we can all agree that continuously pushing up against an invisible, always stronger foe is probably not the greatest for our mental health. I know we can all agree that no one wins the comparison game. Not even the person who feels briefly better because they explained how their plight is worse than whatever it is you have to deal with.
Cover Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

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