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Affirmations For Streamers: to ease Imposter Syndrome, Depression, Jealousy and more

Research shows that repeating positive self-affirmations over time, along with other treatments, can help with developing a more positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Here are the ones that I use daily for the conditions I live with: ADHD, Anxiety and Depression

People are too worried about themselves to worry about you

This is my anxiety buster. Every time. I worry about something I said. I worry about being a goof in front of strangers. And the reality is, most people are too preoccupied with themselves and how THEY look to know that you’ve done something wrong.

Someone out there doesn’t know who Lady Gaga is

Similar to the first one, I sometimes worry that I will be forgotten and anything I accomplish won’t matter. Then I think of Lady Gaga. Her Born This Way Foundation work is changing lives and mental health conversations everywhere. She’s a megastar and has toured this whole planet. Yet, there is still someone in the world who has no idea she is. That does not diminish what she does or reduce her impact. It’s not the number of people who know you that matters, it’s what you bring to the lives of those who need it.

Nothing has to be perfect. Ever.

I am a recovering perfectionist and I often INSIST to myself, in a very black-and-white manner, that if I don’t do something perfectly I might as well not even try doing it. But nothing in this world is perfect. It’s ok to want to be proud of what you create, but you can be proud of those things even if they’re not perfect too.

I am the bridge

This one is a great reminder that I am good at connecting people. I might not always have the answers, but that’s ok, because I can always lead someone in need to the right person who can help them. There is a lot of value in valuing others for their strengths, and yourself for your own.

A rising tide lifts all boats

Honestly, sometimes I get super jealous of other people’s accomplishments. Especially when it’s someone in the space of mental health awareness. I use this affirmation to remind me that my goals are to raise awareness and kindness to the world. That means everyone succeeding in the space is bringing something good to it and that should always be celebrated.

I deserve it too

I often tell myself I am not enough or that I don’t deserve the care and attention that I get when I am down or depressed. This is completely unfair. This affirmation reminds me that I should think of myself as my own friend. Do I believe my friends deserve good things? Would I ever let anyone tell them they don’t? Well, then I shouldn’t say that to myself either.

Thoughts are not actions
(CW: Suicidal ideation)

This one is a great reminder that thinking about suicide or ending my life is just my brain’s way of trying to find solutions to extreme pain. My actions are what matters more. Additionally, I have 40000000+ thoughts a day, what makes me stick to this one and decide I should act on it? I can let this thought pass like many others and I will be ok.

If I’ve done it before, I can do it again and more

This is a good reminder when I feel like I’ll never accomplish anything great with my life. I also like to say this to myself whenever I feel doubtful that I can overcome a challenge.

I hope this helps you be your own light when you feel like things dark.

If you have your own affirmations, tell me about them in the comments below!