Why Does Social Media Upset Us And What Can We Do?

Why Does Social Media Upset Us And What Can We Do?

If I am feeling ok, I don’t mind seeing prettier-than-life things, in fact, I often feel they inspire me. However, if I am a bit down on myself, the fire gets worse from the added coal of upward comparison. Is that anyone else’s fault? Not exactly. I compare myself enough to people in real life, that confronting more things I am bad at online becomes downright exhausting.

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Recovering from Mental Illness: It’s possible, but not what you expect it to be

Recovering from Mental Illness: It’s possible, but not what you expect it to be

The difference between me accepting my issues in the past versus now is just patience. Every time my mental well being makes a turn for the best, I get to reset my rejoicing, as much as I return to feeling hopeless when I am emotionally attacking myself for what feels like the 1000th time.

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The Reality of Loving Someone Who Has Depression (or another Mental Illness)

The Reality of Loving Someone Who Has Depression (or another Mental Illness)

Actually. There is no third person narration. There is no romance in suffering, even if it is together. But boy, isn’t it a pretty snapshot from my life. Two real people met as they were dealing with personal internal pain and without promising to fix each other, they helped each other through it.  

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